Saturday Morning Group Meetings
All meetings are scheduled for Saturday mornings from 10:00 am until noon. Unless noted otherwise, meetings are held in person. At the beginning of each meeting, a safety slide is shown and discussed. This could be based on an incident, a safety question, a chemical safety related paper or a procedure that raises safety questions, etc. The person(s) presenting at that meeting are in charge of identifying the subject of the safety slide.
These informal research meetings offer an important opportunity to develop oral and technical presentation skills. Use these occasions to convince your audience of the importance of your research project, and the expertise you have acquired to contribute to the leading edge of this research area. Be it a topic seminar, a research project update or a project-related literature club, organize your material well and make your point(s) in the time you have. These are excellent opportunities to develop slide shows that engage the audience. Frontiers of Chemistry seminars serve to develope your creative skills and as preparation for job interviews or for identifying opportunities for postdoctoral studies. Special Topics sessions include problem sets, spectroscopy assignments, and feature presentations, as well as ELN and safety reviews. Techniques of Organic Research broaden your experimental skill sets.
Besides extending your knowledge base, the effective communication of scientific concepts and hyptheses is the most important mission of the scientist. Our group meetings are the best place to develop and refine these skills. Anticipate questions, ask questions & respond to questions! Use these sessions to gain a better understanding of your project goals and the competitive landscape. Take notes, and follow up with your own reading or additional questions for topics where you feel your background is still lacking.
1 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (B)
8 - Project-Relevant Literature Club (B)
15 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (C)
22 - Project-Relevant Literature Club (C)
1 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (D)
8 - Project-Relevant Literature Club (D)
15 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (E)
22 - PhD Talk (Ethan)
29 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (A)
5 - Problem Set (TBD)
12 - Project-Relevant Literature Club (E)
19 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (B)
26 - Molecule of the Month (All)
3 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (C)
10 - Problem Set or Special Topic Talk (TBD)
17 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (D)
24 - Project-Relevant Literature Club (A)
31 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (E)
4 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (E)
11 - Special Topics (Ashlyn)
18 - Research Project Updates - Past, Present & Future (A)
25 - Project-Relevant Literature Club (A)