Wipf Organic Synthesis Problem Sets


Guidelines for WOSYPROSS group meetings:
• Name reactions, fields of research, new techniques, as well as specific research papers are of interest for us; please try to actively engage the audience; if necessary, use Swiss chocolate bribes.
• The specific topic for a WOSYPROSS session should be announced ca. 1-3 weeks before the meeting. It most often correlated to a review, journal publication, research area, or text book chapter.
• If the topic deals with actual reaction mechanisms, students will have to show detailed transformations on the board, including correct reaction arrows.

All Group Members are required to attend and – especially – expected to participate.

For Solutions, click here.

For general sources of information for reaction mechanisms and name reactions, see:

- Reaction Flash

- http://www.organic-chemistry.org/namedreactions/

- The Merck Index

- http://www.chemiestudent.de/namen/namensreaktionen.php

- http://www.monomerchem.com/display4.html

- http://www.chem.wisc.edu/areas/reich/syntheses/syntheses.htm

- http://www.synarchive.com/named-reactions


For synthetic organic chemistry problems, noteworthy total syntheses and important reaction information, see:

- https://www.epfl.ch/labs/lcso/group/meetings/synthesis-problems/

- http://www.chem.wisc.edu/areas/reich/syntheses/syntheses.htm

- Dave Evans Problem Set Generator

For tables of pKa's, see:

- Prof. Reich's table

- Prof. Evan's table


Nucleophilicity depends on many factors (15-20 different parameters, including solvation effects). Therefore, it is very difficult to establish a general nucleophilicity order for all common nucleophiles in different solvents. For some general effects, see:

- the solvent effects on the rate of the SN2 reaction of triethylamine and ethyliodide (the Menschutkin reaction)

- the nucleophilic reactivity scale


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