Homework Assignment

Final Exam is Cumulative!

April 17: Solve problems 10, 19, 20, 35, 43, 107, 114, 117, 140, 153, 225, 400, 419, 791, and 796.

April 10: Solve problems 306, 363, 395, 398, 399, and 401; solve Carey&Sundberg problems 1, 2 (p. 536-8), 7 (p. 540-1), 12 (p. 543), 16 (p. 545-6).

April 3: Solve problems 29, 48, 66, 78, 93, 94, 134 and 205. - Check out the Fukuyama Synthesis Problems!!

March 27: Solve problems 300, 303, 381, 385, 813, 823, and 850.

For Exam II:

March 20: Solve problems 111, 114, 168, 179, 180, 204, 232, and 247.

March 13: Solve problems 22, 26, 116, 164, 174, 243, 252, 253, 257, 272, 285, 301, 385, 386, 389, 674, and 734.

March 6: Study organic name reactions; review previous lecture materials.

February 27: Solve Carey&Sundberg problems 1 (p. 316), 3 (p. 317), 4 (p. 319), 6 & 9 (p. 322), and 11 & 12 (p. 324).

For Exam I:

February 20: Solve problems 127, 162, 312, 313, 316, 628, 800, and 848.

February 13: Solve problems 33, 34, 39, 125, 164, 181, 303 and 406.

February 6: Study organic name reactions; solve Carey&Sundberg problems 5 (p. 813), 9 (p. 815), 11 (p. 816).

January 30: Study organic name reactions; solve Carey&Sundberg problems 3 (p. 337), 21 (p. 404), 2 (p. 440), 30 (p. 507).

January 23: Study organic name reactions; solve problems 102, 365, 768, and 786.

January 16: Study organic name reactions; solve problems 14, 27, 63, 69, and 196.

January 9: Study organic name reactions; solve problems 61, 116, 124, 126, 129, 130, 132, 165, 209, 211, 416, 495, 496, 785, 800, and 825.

January 2: Read Chapters 1-26 in Vollhardt's Sophomore Organic Chemistry textbook.